Monday, September 26, 2011

Vegan MoFo!

Vegan MoFo kicks off this Saturday, October 1, and I'm thrilled to have Charm City Vegan participating. For those who are unfamiliar, Vegan MoFo is basically a month dedicated to talking about all things vegan food, for an entire month. And while that's generally the gist of things here at CCV, I want reader input! So I need your help, because 31 days of posts is a lot. I love to talk, especially about food, but that's a challenge even for me.

This is where you come in! Let me know if there's a post you particularly enjoyed, if you'd like to see a specific recipe, or maybe a kind of food, like gluten-free breakfast options. Do you want product reviews? Are you looking for places to eat in and around Baltimore? I want to hear from you! I've got some ideas kicking around (namely Halloween, because it's my favorite), but not nearly enough for 31 days worth. So help a girl out and let me know what you'd like to see!

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